Giving Tuesday 2022

Written by Aaliyah Donaldson


Posted on November 22 2022

Giving Tuesday is among us and we can't hardly wait! 

Give: "To freely transfer" 

Giving is such a liberating experience. You've felt it when you gave a little extra to the waitress or helped a friend out of hard times. 

Alexa and I are both givers. So many of you have given to us from the start of Eleven-03! You gave to our Go-Fund-Me when we opened the boutique, you gave your time when we needed help. You shared our posts, left amazing comments and gave us the support we needed all ear long.

- and of course, you gave your hard earned money when you shopped with us!

There isn't a single aspect of Eleven-03 that could run without your giving to us consistently. It's amazing how so many people have come together to keep our dream alive.

You are so appreciated and we love to celebrate you and give back! 

This giving Tuesday we're giving away 2 $50 Gift Cards to 2 lucky customers! All you need to do is sign up for our email list! 

Winners will be announced on November 29th. Don't miss your chance to win! 

As always, 

We can't wait to serve you


- Aaliyah & Alexa



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