Decompressing After The Big Game
•Posted on August 18 2024

Football is HERE ladies! Two very short weeks are left before we need the best setting spray to make it through an August Football Game in the south. Are you ready? Someone asked me how do I decompress after a football game and thus this blog was born.
As a coach's wife Game Days can be a little more hectic for me than the average person BUT as a woman and a long time college football game attendee, I think we can all learn some better ways to get the ringing out of our ears from the days' festivities!
In my previous blog I mentioned taking off your makeup asap. That's a tip I picked up from my fellow wife, Olivia, and a tip I'll take with me for forever. That's the perfect start to decompressing after a game!
The next, most obvious step is to come out of those shoes that I told you NOT to wear, but you wore them anyway lol. Girl, you should really learn to listen.
Now depending on your surroundings, I'm going to go ahead and recommend taking off that bra sis. The car rides out of the stadium can be long and sometimes confusing. Removing all of the THINGZ like makeup, uncomfy shoes and that wire bra will immediately start to reset your brain. I'm also not a fan of listening to music on the ride home. To each their own, but my head is usually still filled with sounds of the band and it needs a break from the noise. (To be clear, the band is very much a pleasure and not "noise" but you get my drift here)
Once I make it home... I go straight for the shower. Washing the day away with one of our famous spongelles and the hottest water I can muster from my hot water heater is a MUST for my after game routine.
The shower is truly the end all be all.... finish the night off with a cup of hot tea or a glass of wine and call it a done deal! Off to next week's craziness!
Side Note: If you're wondering where was dinner in all of that, there is likely no dinner for me on Saturday nights during the season. I just get in where I fit in, but if I were you, I would pack a to-go plate from the tailgate or hit up a drive thru on the way home. No food left behind!